Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hi yall see what we've been up to!

This past week I was able to keep the secret of the sex of baby#3. Another 18 weeks to go. Anyone going to bet I can keep a secret? I also have gotten ready to make 3 dresses and tons of shorts for Kid 1. Other than that just active somersaults and booboos or owies. Kid 2 going to have a black toe nail again! Umm...we have been thinking of moving but we are still on the fence as to what will be better for us family and money wise. Mostly money wise! If you have an opinion please share we're very open to suggestions right now. Since we have about a year and a half left to make up our minds.


Rebecca said...

Hooray for a blog! Come visit mine!

Sawyers Family said...

I didn't know anything about you moving!! Where would you go? I love blogs, they're the easiest way to keep in touch.
Visit us at

Christian and Jennifer said...

Woo-hoo! When are you due?!? Congrats a million times over! We're having baby #3 in August and found out it's a boy . . . although I thought it would be fun to be surprised, Christian wanted to know and I KNOW he couldn't keep it from me, so we found out. We've got a blog:
Come visit!