Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cool Truck

So a while back I went to a tool store to get some tools for one of the many home improvement projects going on. I took Bella and Rowan with me, so Peg could sleep in. We get to the store (which is a little mom and pop type tool place with great deals) and get out of the car. Bella hopes out one side, and closes the door; I help Rowan out the other side and let him shut the door. We then start walking up to the store. I check at the door to make sure I am being followed by all my little ones, and notice that Rowan is missing.

I walk back to the car and find him on the other side of the car staring at the parking lot. I asked him what was up; he pointed and said "Cool truck!". I didn't even know his vocabulary was that good. I look and there is a big home-modified raised truck with a few spots of bondo. I guess this is what a 2 year old thinks is cool in a truck. He does love cars and the “cool truck” kept his attention.

Now days when we drive by construction he loves to look at the big construction trucks and comment. And he loves to point out “cool trucks” when we are driving.

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