Friday, September 26, 2008

Jee Willicers!

First, I would never kill my kids! Second, I received an email from my mother in law and it was so funny. It basically said that boys will be boys. Someone also mentioned that I should blog a list of why I love them.


1.The phrase "I want to do it." Sometimes still comes out of my mouth. Sorry mommy;)

2.Have you ever seen this child sleep. It reminds me of a pic my mom used to have on her desk. We look the same when asleep.

3.Her boundless energy isn't so boundless when she wakes up early and gets no nap. She's asleep before 9. Yea!

4.She's potty trained.

5.She has that unique childs perpective. When I say clean your room, she just puts everything on her bed. I mean EVERYTHING!


1.He's still got that baby fat line on his thighs.

2.The sound of his voice.(When not crying or screaming.)

3.I love the fact that I can do anything with girly stuff and he wants in on the action. ie makeup and tutus and nursing lol

4.His smile. Just like his dads, melts in your heart not in your hand.

5.How he can crash anywhere, just like my father in law.


1.Who am I kidding, she's a baby the only you don't want to hear is them cry endlessly.


1.How he lets me talk and talk and talk sometimes even with a headache.

2.The way he looks holding one of our children. Especially Tana!

3.My very own pool guy. (He thinks its weird that I'm scared of water I can't see through.)

4.His beard.

5.The way he loves his job. His hugs...and passionate kisses...the way he says he loves himself too...and since I'm done with Tana I'll finish here.


Rebecca said...

Awwww - what a great post! Peg - every mom has "bad days" me if you need anything! We can go to the park or something - get some fresh air and sunshine :)

Deanna Quinton Larson said...

Peg, I hope you realize I was being sarcastic with the "kill 'em" bit. I would never have but that was just my way of describing the frustration I experienced some days.