Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Protection

We were at my sister’s church last Friday because her ward was having a Chili cook-off with a talent show. After the great food and entertaining entertainment we were in the hallways socializing while our children were playing.

Now you must remember that our 3.8 year old girl is very petite, shy, and non-violent. Our 2 year old boy is very boyish and always ready to do anything and tackle anybody. They were happily playing with their older cousins and some other young kids just running around and such.

To set up the story there was one kid in particular who was a rather large 3 almost 4 year old boy, who we later learned was the nursery bully. (And he will from henceforth be referred to as the bully for identification purposes).

I had my back to the kids, and then all of a sudden I hear my kid crying. Yes one is a boy and one is a girl, but their cries sound identical. I turned around and saw my 2 year old son standing over the bully. The bully was sitting on the floor, back against the wall. My son had the bully by the neck/shoulders and was slamming his head into the block wall. The whole time I hear crying.

So I am thinking that the two are rough housing and my boy does not like it, is upset, and crying.

So I walk up to the boys, grab my son, pull him off the bully, and look at his face. To my surprise he was not crying but had a very different look on his face; a look I didn’t quite understand. Suddenly I felt confusion as not only was my son not crying, but neither was the bully. I then looked to my right and saw that it was my little girl on the floor crying.

I scooped up my second child and asked what happened. My little girl said “daddy that boy (the bully) pushed me down and jumped on me”. At the answer my mood went from concerned/confusion to down right funny/proudness.

My son saw his sister was getting hurt and jumped into protect her.

I still laugh when I think about my son, half the size of the bully, standing over him pounding his head into the wall. This was the first time I didn’t get onto my son for being aggressive, but let him know how grateful I was that he protected his sister.

I am grateful for children who love their siblings and refer to them as “my best friend”.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Lucky Me said...

What a protector! I'm glad he was there to save his sister from a bully :0)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Renee and Chris said...

How adorable! I always liked the older brother scenario because I would have a protector, but Rowie is even doing it as the younger brother!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Alicia Trunk said...

That is so funny...I can see that happening. He needs to be given a high Five for that one. For sure!

Anonymous said...

Great story. I vote for your son to put a stop to the bullies of the world.