Monday, August 11, 2008

Pics of Cortana


Nonna said...

She is beautiful, like your other kids !

I was stunned to see you and the baby on Sunday...I stayed home for a month each time I had a baby ! Times sure have changed.

DT said...

Only thing left now is to update your frontpage under the heading "Baby #3." She is no longer a fetus!

Rebecca said...

She is such a doll!

Hooray for another girl :)

Please let me know if you need anything.

Sawyers Family said...

I couldn't believe it when I heard you were at church right after she was born! That's just crazy! Congrats on the baby and I have not forgotten about the hair bows. We're coming for the DiCarlo wedding, so I'll have them for you then. unless you need them before that, just let me know.